Thoughts & Feelings Column: Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card – Episodes Nineteen & Twenty

 Here’s to my continual hope that each plot promise will yield a more solid episode next time; however, I’m beginning to wonder if I should just just drop out of the show since the show is scheduled to end in two episodes, I am doubting any real resolution.

Thoughts & Feelings Column: Darling in the FRANXX – Episode Eighteen

Even though we are taking a lot of time out to build and shatter these children, I do have full confidence that this show can be finished without any real rushing toward the end. I am very curious how the piloting is going to work at this point, too, what with Kokoro and Mitsuru believing each other to be new members of the team. Everything is finally coming to a convergence, and the next few episodes will be determining the pacing of the final arc: it’s time for the crunch.

Thoughts & Feelings Column: Darling in the FRANXX – Episode Seventeen

I would first like to say that I do enjoy these episodes with the kids enjoying their slow life as the world literally dies around them, but I am very concerned about the amount of time we are spending on this section. It feels like we should be moving more quickly since the ending should be ramping up soon. All of the content does feel needed so that we fully care for the all the characters, but I wonder if we couldn’t have sped any of this up in any way before now.

Thoughts & Feelings Column: Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card – Episodes Seventeen & Eighteen

Episodes seventeen and eighteen have quite a bit going on in it in regards to additional story setup, but it still lacks a deviation from the norm that, I think, most of us want at this point. We are truly settled into a monster of the week scenario with a useless cast of characters doing very little to back an overpowered little girl who manages to solve all her capturing problems in under a minute. I love this show, but I am also very tired of the monotony it’s bringing. When you think about the past sixteen episodes, well, much really hasn’t happened to advance the basal plot.

Thoughts & Feelings Column: Darling in the FRANXX – Episode Sixteen

With the end of last episode showing us the utter destruction of Squad 13’s home paired the victory Hero and Zero Two shared, episode sixteen picks up featuring a happy Zero Two who is filing her horns back down to a manageable size. She has no cares in the world as she ignores the sonic pang that hit her mind before the giant underground struck the surface world.

Thoughts & Feelings Column: Darling in the FRANXX – Episode Fifteen

At the top of episode fifteen, we learn that the Gran Crevasse is a habitat that was destroyed by the Klax who now inhabit and swarm the area. Considering APE has been planning on coming back to this place for sometime, I am wondering if this is where the Klax infestation on this world began. It could make sense that as a result of experiments of some sort, these creatures went rogue and began to destroy the habitat.

Thoughts & Feelings Column: Darling in the FRANXX – Episodes Thirteen & Fourteen

Episodes thirteen and fourteen are accompanying episodes with all the heart and soul of something a little deeper than what the internet is calling a cheaper Evangelion. While there is quite a bit of homage packed in each episode of Darling in the FRANXX, the whole of the show stands on its own. I believe that these two episodes are great examples of how Darling is more than.

Thoughts & Feelings Column: Darling in the FRANXX – Episodes Eleven & Twelve

Moving from the character-centric episodes, and back into the main story, Darling in the FRANXX is showing us this is as good as the team is going to get before the apocalypse. 

Thoughts & Feelings Column: Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card – Episodes Eleven & Twelve

Episodes eleven and twelve don’t offer any more big revelations, but we do learn a little more of where Syaoran stands in this mess and some general hints and confirmation about what we already know. We are standing more in a station of status quo with exceedingly slow reveals through two episodes as we bridge the seasons.

Thoughts & Feelings Column: Darling in the FRANXX – Episode Ten

This is a Zorome-centric episode, and as such, we begin with him narrating a reoccurring dream he has. It’s a very good dream because the dream itself is emblematic of a birth memory which is the quite possibly the most “Evangelion” thing I’ve seen so far, more so than even the water droplets from Hiro’s revelation episode. It’s fascinating to know that Zorome dreams of his own birth, in an almost horror-like manner while he longs for the adult world, and at the end of the episode we learn he no longer has this dream after seeing how the adults live.